The first phase of the COVID-19 pandemic has been described as stressful. People make light of stressful situations in different ways. Ghanaians are known to be able to make humour out of any situation. During the first phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, Ghanaians shared memes and posters on social media, making light of the seriousness of the problem. „Kwatakwata by June diεε…” shortened from the phrase: „kwatakwata by June diεε na obiara awu” to wit „Latest by June, we will all be dead” has become a catchphrase on social media and the streets of Ghana to make fun of the serious impact of the virus. This current study examines internet humour that became popular with Ghanaians during the first phase of the COVID-19 pandemic in Ghana. We examined videos, memes, and posters from various social media sites to learn about the Ghanaian use of humour during a public health crisis. Content analysis of the data showed that Ghanaians created humorous content to express how they felt about what was going on and also educate citizens about the pandemic. Recurring themes within the content analysis include humour concerning death, isolation, and keeping children occupied. We note that Ghanaians largely used self-enhancing humour. We discuss these themes to show the types of internet humour Ghanaians shared during the first phase of the COVID-19 pandemic.
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