
Language in the Third Millennium IV

The fourth conference in the series "Language in the Third Millennium" was marked by the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Cracow Tertium Society On this occasion, the Friend of Tertium diplomas were awarded to persons and institutions who had offered particular assistance to the Tertium Society. The authorities of the Jagiellonian University became involved in the discussions, with prof. dr hab. Władysław Miodunka, the Deputy Rector, running a panel discussion on language education in philological studies. For the first time, short scholarly reports were delivered by young linguists who participated in the conference. Intercultural communication was one of the dominant topics of conference presentations.

The memorable evening at the Historical Museum of the City of Krakow Krzysztofory featured a performance by Roman Angel with her group of court dancers Ardente Sole. The conference was also accompanied by an extraordinary exhibition of works by students of the State Art School Complex in Krakow, entitled "The Language in the Third Millennium", that opened in the gallery of the hospitable Polonia House on the Main Square, which also allowed us to visit its historical interiors during the evening banquet.

Guests and plenary lecturers

Elżbieta Chrzanowska (Kraków)
Elżbieta Mańczak-Wohlfeld (Kraków)
Antonina Grybosiowa (Gliwice)
Bożena Rejak (Lublin)
Grażyna Habrajska (Łódź)
Władysław Miodunka (Kraków)
Elżbieta Górska (Kraków)
Antoni Dębski (Kraków)
Elżbieta Tabakowska (Kraków)
Weronika Wilczynska (Poznań)
Jadwiga Kowalikowa (Kraków)
Aleksy Awdiejew (Kraków)
Anna Niżegorodcew (Kraków)
Maria Jodłowiec (Kraków)


Executive Board of Cracow Tertium Society:

Zofia Berdychowska
Władysław Chłopicki
Marta Dąbrowska
Grzegorz Szpila
Maria Piotrowska

Conference venue