Language of the Third Millennium XIII: Language in the Face of Technology

The thirteenth edition of the conference “Language of the Third Millennium” seeks to bring together a wide range of academics to explore various dimensions of language in the face of technology. Diverse factors viewed as determining the use of language in the digital age – from multimodality, memetics, and asynchrony to artificial intelligence, algorithms, and fake news – have emerged as important topics in research and the media. Technological advancements have had a major impact on the ways and modes of communication, leading to fundamental changes at both the individual and the population level.
The event aims at the integration of the international scholarly community and is directed primarily at linguists, translators, modern philologists, and other researchers in related fields, including PhD students. The conference is also open to practitioners who wish to join in the study of language, translation, cross-cultural communication or foreign language teaching in the digital age.

Fifth International Communication Styles Conference: Communication in Times of Permacrisis

The International Communication Styles conference is the fifth in the series of biannual conferences which were initiated in 2013 and took place four times in Krosno, Poland. This time, after a pandemic break, we would like to invite international scholars to the city of Krakow, Poland.
We welcome papers related to all aspects of communication styles, broadly understood as clusters of features of verbal and nonverbal language that run the spectrum of discourses, genres and media and mark social and cultural differences. The 5th ICS Conference brings into focus the theme of communication in times of permacrisis, recently named the Collins Word of the Year 2022 and understood as “an extended period of instability and insecurity”. It aims to examine the diverse effects of social, political, economic, and cultural conflicts in public and private communication across cultures and genres.

Language in the Third Millennium XII: From Language to Communication and Beyond.

The aim of the twelfth edition of the conference "The Language in the Third Millennium" is to integrate the international scholarly community and to debate the most current theoretical issues and the practical dimension of broadly understood communication: interpersonal, social, inter-linguistic and intercultural.

The organisers of the conference put the main emphasis on the interdisciplinary nature of communication, in particular on the relationship of language with other areas of life and scholarship. The multidimensionality of communication, be it verbal, non-verbal, para-verbal, multimodal or visual, contributes to the discussion on the role, function and form of language in the contemporary world.

The event is addressed primarily to linguists, communicators, translators, modern philologists and other researchers in related fields, including PhD students. The conference is also open to practitioners who wish to join in the study of language, translation, intercultural communication or foreign language teaching.

Language in the Third Millennium X

The main topic of the conference was OPENNESS in linguistic, cultural and translation research. OPENNESS in research and teaching.
It was a unique conference - plenary lectures addressed the main theme from the cognitive and ethnolinguistic perspective on the one hand, and from the perspective of digital semantics on the other, while the debate on openness also touched on general topics - scholarly, teaching and practical. The feast in Jama Michalika Restaurant opened the participants to other perspectives, including that of the history of the first Polish cabaret, active there as early as 1905..

Language in the Third Millennium IX

The 9th edition in the Language of the Third Millennium conference was held in Krakow on March 16-18, 2016. We also celebrated the 20th anniversary of the founding of Cracow Tertium Society. We elected the new authorities of the Society. and established our new journal - Tertium Linguistic Journal, its Editorial Team, the Scholarly Council as well as the Board of Reviewers. It was a beautiful academic event, rightly highlighted by the feast at Wierzynek Restaurant - the oldest in Kraków (founded in the 14th century).

Language in the Third Millennium VIII

The leading theme was (Non)literalness.
The thematic scope of the conference covered a wide range of literal and non-literal issues in linguistic communication, where what is unspoken (e.g. taboo) or implicit/implied is of key importance in the formulating, interpreting and analysing of messages. This is so both when their senders and recipients are members of the same community and when they belong to different social groups within the same culture, and even very different cultures.

Language in the Third Millennium VII

The leading theme of the conference was: Word in (Con)text. Our goal has always been to integrate the scholars in modern Philology in the discussion on the theory and practice of linguistic communication in different cultures and media, as well as language teaching methods in close correlation with linguistic research.

Language in the Third Millennium VI

The leading topic of the "Language in the Third Millennium VI" conference was: "Terminology in the sciences of language and intercultural communication - a code for the initiated or a tool of cognition?" Together, we tried to answer the following questions: How to speak about language and linguistics in order to be understood by audiences? How to get them interested in linguistics?
Na jeden z wieczorów obrady przeniosły się w inny klimat do Restauracji „Wesele” na Rynku Głównym.

Language in the Third Millennium V

The main accent of the fifth conference "The Language in the Third Millennium" was a discussion panel on contemporary public discourse in an intercultural perspective, organized in the Debating Room of the Krakow City Hall by prof. Stanisław Gajda from Opole University, and attended by such renown scholars as Jerzy Bralczyk, Jerzy Mikułowski-Pomorski, Walery Pisarek, Wiesław Przyczyna, Marcela Świątkowska, Andrzej Zoll and Marek Zybura. An unforgettable element of this conference was the performance of the Loch Camelot cabaret during the evening reception for conference participants in the interesting interiors of the Garnizonowy Hotel.

Language in the Third Millennium IV

The fourth conference in the series "Language in the Third Millennium" was marked by the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Cracow Tertium Society On this occasion, the Friend of Tertium diplomas were awarded to persons and institutions who had offered particular assistance to the Tertium Society. The authorities of the Jagiellonian University became involved in the discussions, with prof. dr hab. Władysław Miodunka, the Deputy Rector, running a panel discussion on language education in philological studies. For the first time, short scholarly reports were delivered by young linguists who participated in the conference. Intercultural communication was one of the dominant topics of conference presentations. The conference was marked by the special evening at the Historical Museum of Kraków.

Language in the Third Millennium III

During the third conference entitled "Language in the Third Millennium", the discussion focused on two rival, but complementary, schools of linguistics: cognitivism and communicativism. Panel discussions on this subject were run by Professor Aleksander Kiklewicz. Pragmalinguistics and intercultural communication were also added to the conference themes discussed so far, as well as the language of politics.

Language in the Third Millennium II

The second conference in the series "The Language in the Third Millennium" gathered a large group of Polish linguists, including young scholars. It was marked by discussions on Polish politeness as well as varieties and registers of Polish and foreign languages, teaching foreign languages, and translation issues.

Language in the Third Millennium I

This is the first of our conferences that initiated the entire series of linguistic meetings entitled "The Language in the Third Millennium", devoted to varieties and registers of the Polish language, translation and contrastive research, and teaching of foreign languages. During this conference, the first of the panel discussions was also held, devoted to the official translation of Polish administrative terminology, under the intriguing name of "A short debate between the Doctor, the Marshal and the Ambassador, or how the Philologist lost to the Bureaucrat: Nomenclature of local government institutions in translation into English, French. German, Portuguese, Russian and Ukrainian”.

upcoming events

35th conference of International Society of Humor Studies, Kraków,  

7-11 July 2025 

ISHS 2025 – Krakow