Review procedure

The Tertium Publishing House (TP) applies the strict rules of double-blind peer reviews of articles submitted for publication. Each submitted article is first reviewed by one of the editors of the volume. If it is not desk-rejected for formal reasons, it is assigned to the appropriate second reviewer cooperating with the TP (s/he may be a member of the Tertium Scholarly Council). In case of disagreement between the reviewers, TP asks for a third review. Authors of the articles published by TP receive anonymous reviews, although in each monographic publication the names of all the reviewers are disclosed. The policy of independence of reviewers from authors is strictly enforced, in particular, authors and reviewers may not be employed in the same institution. Typically, reviewers have 3-4 weeks to review an article, after which authors are asked to revise articles as recommended by the reviewers and the editor within an agreed period of time, usually no more than 4 weeks. After the articles are corrected and approved by the volume editor, they are subject to further editing, checked for compliance with the formal requirements of TP (editorial template), including compliance with the bibliographic requirements (see below). Before the final publication, the Editors update the names of authors, titles, author bionotes, Polish and English summaries and bibliography.

Reviewers assess every article on the following scale:

• Accept for publication
• Accept with minor changes
• Accept with major changes
• Revise and resubmit
• Reject

Reviewers evaluate publications based on the criteria of originality and relevance of research, transparency, methodological correctness, quality of conclusions, quality of bibliographic support, and linguistic correctness (especially in foreign-language publications).

Scholarly journals published by TP, Tertium Linguistic Journal  andThe European Journal of Humour Researchuse similar review procedures, adapted to the specificity of these journals. and described in detail on their websites.

Bibliographical requirements

Author, First name (publication year) Book title in lower case letters: The first upper case letter in the subtitle. Place of publication: Publisher.

Author, First name A. (year) Capital Content Words in the Title in English. Place of publication: Publisher.

Author1, First name1, First name2, Author2 (publication year) “Title of Article in a Periodical ”. Journal Title, Volume Number (Issue Number); 24-56.

Author1, FirstName1, FirstName2, Author2, FirstName3, Author3 (publication year) “Title of Article ”. Online Journal Title, Volume Number (Issue Number) [Retrieved from Date of last access: day. month. year. e.g. 01/02/2016].

Author, First Name (publication year) "Title of a chapter in an anthology or an article in a book." [In:] First name Last name (ed.), Title of the book. Place: Publisher; 10-20.


For example:

Bourdieu, Pierre, Jean-Claude Passeron, Monique de Saint Martin ([1980] 1994) Academic Discourse. Stanford: Stanford University Press.

Chruszczewski, Piotr P. (2011) Językoznawstwo antropologiczne. Zadania i metody. Wrocław: Oddział Polskiej Akademii Nauk we Wrocławiu.

Clark, Herbert (1996) Using Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Чак, Євгенії [Czak, Ewgenij] (1997) Чи правильно ми говоримо. Київ: Освіта.

Dobrzyńska, Teresa ([1971] 2004) „O delimitacji tekstu literackiego”. [In:] [Pamiętnik Literacki LXII; 115-127.

Jerzy Bartmiński, Stanisława Niebrzegowska-Bartmińska (red.) (2004) Tekstologia. Vol. II.  Lublin: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej; 47-54.

Durkheim, Émile ([1901] 2000) Zasady metody socjologicznej. [Les règles de la méthode sociologique. Paris: Alcan] (trans.) Jerzy Szacki. Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe.

Duszak, Anna (1998) Tekst, dyskurs, komunikacja międzykulturowa. Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe.

Eggins, Suzanne, James R. Martin (1997) „Genres and Registers of Discourse”. [In:] Teun A. van Dijk (ed.) Discourse as Structure and Process. London: Sage Publications; 230-256.

Fairclough, Norman (1992) Discourse and Social Change. Cambridge: Polity Press.

Foucault, Michel ([1969] 1972) The Archaeology of Knowledge. [L’Archéologie du savoir. Paris: Gallimard] (trans) A. M. Sheridan Smith. London: Tavistock Publications.

Jennings, George, David Brown, Andrew C. Sparkes (2010) ‘It can be a religion if you want’: Wing Chun Kung Fu as a secular religion.” Ethnography. 11(4); 533-557. DOI: 10.1177/1466138110372588

Keating, Elizabeth, Joel Sherzer (2003) „Ethnography of Speaking.” [In:] William J. Frawley (ed.) International Encyclopedia of Linguistics. Vol. 2. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press; 1-3.

Lawson, Thomas E., Robert N. McCauley (2002) „The Cognitive Representation of Religious Ritual Form: A Theory of Participants’ Competence with Religious Ritual Systems.” [In:] Ilkka Pyysiäinen, Veikko Anttonen (red.) Current Approaches in the Cognitive Science of Religion. London, New York: Continuum; 153-176

ORF- Русанівський, Віталій М., Олександр О. Тараненко, Сергій І. Головащук, Марія М. Пещак (ред.) (1994) Орфографічний словник української мови, Київ: Наукова думка.

Славутич, Яр [Sławutycz, Jar] (1996) „У яких словах писати Ґ”. Мовознавство, 1; 63-64.

Skrzyńska, Maria, Sergiusz Czerni (eds.) ([1986] 1990) Słownik naukowo-techniczny angielsko-polski. Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Naukowo-Techniczne.

Wieczorek, Diana (1999) „Новационные процессы в современном украинском языке”. Slavia orientalis, 3; 435-441.

Reviews of our publications

Review of the book by Andrew Gillies Tłumaczenie ustne. Nowy poradnik dla studentów was published in St Jerome Publishing. Paid access.

Review of the book Jean-Francois Rozana, Notatki w tłumaczeniu konsekutywnymtranslated into English and Polish by Andrew Gillies and Beata Hrehorowicz, was published in St Jerome Publishing. Paid access.

Review of the book by Ewa Bandura, entltled Nauczyciel jako mediator kulturowy (Język a komunikacja 13), authored by Krystyna Mihułka, was published in Studia Niemcoznawcze vol.. 43 (2009, pp 522-525).