Across Borders Conference X (23-25 Sept 2024). Difficult Neighbourhoods
The State Academy of Applied Sciences in Krosno, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, St. Mary’s University College, Queen’s University, Belfast, and Cracow Tertium Society for the Promotion of Language Studies invite
Conference - Cognitive Linguistics in the Year 2023: Applied Cognition: Thought and Action. Krosno, 13-15 September 2023
Zarząd Krakowskiego Towarzystwa Tertium zachęca do zgłaszania się na konferencję pt. „Językoznawstwo kognitywne w roku 2023”. która odbędzie się w Krośnie w dniach 13-15 września
Communication Styles conference – extended submission deadline
The deadline for submitting abstracs for the Fifth International Communication Styles Conference: Communication in Times of Permacrisis – 24-25 April 2023 has been extended to
Towarzystwo Tertium uprawnione do 1,5% podatku
Szanowni Członkowie i Sympatycy Tertium, Nasze Towarzystwo znalazło się na liście podmiotów uprawnionych do otrzymania 1.,5% podatku dochodowego za rok 2022 (to nowa kategoria organizacji)
Fifth International Communication Styles Conference: Communication in Times of Permacrisis – 24-25 April 2023
Cracow Tertium Society organizes an English language conference from the series of Communication Styles conference with a highly topical theme, The conferences used to take
Program of the conference Language in the Third Millennium - 23-25 March
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, it is my pleasure to inform you that the newest conference program is available here. Władysław Chłopicki
Conference "Language in the Third Millennium XII". Conference venue and other details
The conference will take place on 23-25 March (Wednesday - Friday) in the building of the Faculty of Forestry of the University of Agriculture at aleja 29 listopada 46 in Kraków
Stage Otherness: Interesting online exhibition
We encourage you to visit the online exhibition entitled Staged Otherness, which deals with the cultural differences in ethnographic exhibitions in Europe at the end of the 19th century. The exhibition is available at:
Tertium Linguistic Journal indexation rise
Półrocznik Językoznawczy Tertium został ponownie doceniony w najnowszej indeksacji przez Index Copernicus International i uzyskał indeks ICV 2022: 90,92. czekamy na kolejną indeksację. Redakcja serdecznie
We invite participants to the "Language in the Third Millennium XII" conference
You are invited to register and take part in our conference Language in the Third Millennium XII: From Language to Communication and Beyond. The conference
Special publication to mark ten years of The European Journal of Humour Research
In 2022 The European Journal of Humour Research journal is celebrating its tenth anniversary. That is why, in the issue 10.4 we are planning a special anniversary publication.
upcoming events
Krakowskie Towarzystwo TERTIUM
al. Mickiewicza 9
31-120 Kraków, Poland
NIP: 677-16-96-818