
Language of the Third Millennium XIII: Language in the Face of Technology

The thirteenth edition of the conference “Language of the Third Millennium” seeks to bring together a wide range of academics to explore various dimensions of language in the face of technology. Diverse factors viewed as determining the use of language in the digital age – from multimodality, memetics, and asynchrony to artificial intelligence, algorithms, and fake news – have emerged as important topics in research and the media. Technological advancements have had a major impact on the ways and modes of communication, leading to fundamental changes at both the individual and the population level. The event aims at the integration of the international scholarly community and is directed primarily at linguists, translators, modern philologists, and other researchers in related fields, including PhD students. The conference is also open to practitioners who wish to join in the study of language, translation, cross-cultural communication or foreign language teaching in the digital age.

Conference programme (as of 11 March)

Book of abstracts 

Conference poster by Marcin Klag

Keynote speakers

The programme will feature keynote papers. The speakers will include:

Prof. Dorothy Kenny, Dublin City University, Ireland

Prof. Jef Verschueren, University of Antwerp, Belgium 

Prof. Jan Rybicki, Jagiellonian University, Poland

Prof. Matt Coler, University of Groningen, Netherlands

Conference details, deadlines and fees

The papers should be 20 minutes long plus 10 minutes should be allowed for discussion. Posters are also welcome.

Fee payment: January 30, 2024

full fee 150 Euro  

reduced fee for Tertium members 120 Euro 

reduced fee for doctoral students 80 Euro 

Conference: March 13-15, 2024

Deadline for submitting articles to Tertium Linguistic Journal (rocznik 2024): 30 April 2024



Conference presentations and posters will contribute to special issues of Tertium Linguistic Journal (www.journal.tertium.edu.pl– the journal is listed in various international indexes. We prefer articles in English, but you can also publish in Polish.

The presenters on humour-related topics will be encouraged to submit articles to our other journal: The European Journal of Humour Research (http://www.europeanjournalofhumour.org a Scopus-indexed international journal.

If the number of the submitted articles is too large for the journal issues, we are also planning to publish a Polish-language volume of articles as well (Tertium Publishing House is recognised by the Polish Ministry of Education and Science as a category I publisher).

We accept for publication those articles that fit in the broad main topic of the conference and comply with the editorial guidelines provided on the websites of our journals, as well as on our website (in the case of the post-conference volume).

Write to us at: tertium2016@gmail.com