Aims of the Society

"The aim of the Society is to organize teaching, training and research activities offered for the benefit of the academic community in the field of research on language and linguistic communication" (Statute of the Society, Article 6)

Language in communication and translation

The name of the Society draws on the Latin saying "tertium non datur" (there is no third possibility). Involved in studies of human communication we think otherwise, however, that is: "tertium datur", for, we believe, there is no perfect text, no error-free translation. On the other hand, the task of specialists in the field of theory and practice of communication is to make sure that texts and translations are written in a language that is more and more correct, precise and flexible, capable of expressing the changing extra-linguistic reality. Because in the united Europe of the Third Millennium, the significance of successful communication between people and nations cannot be overestimated.

Statutory activities

This situation requires undertaking research and training in the field of language of communication, and especially translation. This is why the Society has sets the following tasks for itself:
- financing research
- funding scholarships in Poland and abroad
- financing research stays in Poland and abroad
- financing and organising conferences, workshops, courses and summer schools
- financing publication projects
- contributing to financing research projects

Join the Tertium Society

Annual membership fees

The Tertium membership fee for 2024 is 80 PLN.
You are encouraged to join Tertium! The fee should be transferred to the Society's bank account:
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