The article reflects on the synergic interaction of artistic creativity and activist engagement through a humorous approach of some contemporary civilian protest actions in Slovenia. The article proposes the concept of “artivism” as a hybrid term for activist-artistic interventions. Case studies discussed are examples of subversive re-appropriations of insulting statements made by the former Prime Minister and his party in a creative and humorous way. These infamous and defamatory expressions, initially used by politicians to verbally attack protesters, were re-appropriated and recuperated by “artivists” and turned back, like a boomerang, at those who had originally sent them into the public, as offensively constructed verbal degradations. Uprising of Zombies in winter 2012–2013 and the public protests organized by the movement called the Erased in 2003 indicate humorous artistic expressions that are turned into symbolic weapons of people’s resistance against domination of corrupted political elite.
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