Book review
Antonopoulou, E. (2002), ‘A cognitive approach to literary humor devices: Translating Raumond Chandler’. Translator 8 (2), pp. 235-257.
Antonopoulou, E., Nikiforidou, K. & Tsakona, V. (2015), ‘Construction grammar and discoursal incongruity’, in Brône, G., Feyaerts, K. & Veale, T. (eds.) Cognitive Linguistics and Humor Research, Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 13-48.
Attardo, S. (1994), Linguistic Theories of Humor. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Attardo, S. (2001), Humorous Texts. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Attardo, S. (ed.) (2014), The Encyclopedia of Humor Studies. Los Angeles: Sage.
Attardo, S. (ed.) (2017), The Routledge Handbook of Language and Humor. New York: Routledge.
Attardo, S. & Raskin, V. (1991), ‘Script theory revisited joke similarity and joke representation model’. Humor: International Journal of Humor Research 4, pp. 293-347.
Bjarkman, C. & Raskin, V, (eds.) (1986), The Real-world Linguist: Linguistic Applications in the 1980s: Norwood, NJ, Ablex.
Brône, G., Feyaerts, K. & Veale, T. (2006), ‘Introduction: cognitive linguistic approaches
to humor’, Humor: International Journal of Humor Research 19 (3), 203–228.
Brown, S. & Attardo S. (2000), Understanding Language Structure, Interaction, and Variation. 3rd ed. Ann Arbor, MI: Michigan University Press.
Canestrari, C. (2010), ‘Meta-communicative signals and humorous verbal interchanges: A case study’. Humor: International Journal of Humor Research 23 (3), pp. 327-349.
Chłopicki, W. (1996), Salvatore Attardo, Linguistic Theories of Humor, review, Journal of Pragmatics 25 (4), pp. 606-610.
Chłopicki, W. (2003), Salvatore Attardo, Humorous Texts: A Semantic and Pragmatic Analysis, review, Journal of Pragmatics 35, pp. 155-59.
Chłopicki, W. (2007), “Cognitive construals in jokes – visual logical mechanisms”, paper read at the 10th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Kraków.
Chłopicki, W. (2015), Salvatore Attardo, Encyclopedia of Humor Studies, review, Humor: International Journal of Humor Research 28 (4), pp. 641-646.
Cows with Guns – The Original Animation. 2006. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQMbXvn2RNI. Last accessed 21/8/2022.
Eco, U. (2008). Experiences in Translation. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Fauconnier, G. (1985), Mental Spaces. Cambridge: MIT Press.
Ford, T, Chłopicki, W. & Kuipers, G., [forthcoming] Handbook of Humor Research. Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter.
Goatly, A. (2012), Meaning and Humour. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Gumperz, J.J. & Hymes, D.H. (eds.) (1972), Directions in Sociolinguistics. The Ethnography of Communication. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
Hjemslev, L. (1953), Prolegomena to a Theory of Language. 2nd ed. Madison: University of Wisconsin.
Raskin, V. (1985), Semantic Mechanisms of Humor. Dordrecht: Reidel.
Ruiz-Gurillo, L. (2016), ‘Metapragmatics of humor. Variability, negotiability and adaptability in humorous monologues. In Ruiz-Gurillo, L. (ed.) Metapragmatics of Humor. Current Research Trends, Vol. 14, Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 79-101.
Tsakona, V. (2013), ‘Okras and the metapragmatic stereotypes of humour: Towards an expansion of the GTVH’, in Dynel, M. (ed.), Developments in Linguistic Humour Theory, Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 25-48.
Yule, G. (2017), The Study of Language. Sixth Edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.