Book review
Bakhtin, M. (1984). Rabelais and his world (H. Iswolsky, Trans). Indiana University Press.
Bremmer, J. & Roodenburg (eds.) (1997). A cultural history of humour: From antiquity to the present day. Polity Press.
Milner Davis, J. (2021). Taking humour and laughter seriously: The multi-disciplinary field of humour studies. Journal & Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales, 154, part 2, 182–200.
Norval, A. J. (2000). Review article: The things we do with words – contemporary approaches to the analysis of ideology. British Journal of Political Science, 30, 313–346.
Wickberg, D. (2016). The senses of humor: Self and laughter in modern America. Cornell University Press.