Book review
Bergson, H. (1901 [2013]). Laughter: An essay on the meaning of the comic (C Brereton, & F. Rothwell, Trans.). Dover.
Plessner, Helmuth. (2019). Levels of organic life and the human: an introduction to philosophical anthropology (Hyat, M., Trans.). Fordham University Press.
Reinhard, K., Badiou, A., & Spitzer, S. (2013). Introduction: Badiou’s theatre: A laboratory for thinking. In A. Badiou, The Incident at Antioch/L’Incident d’Antioche: A Tragedy in Three Acts / Tragédie en trois actes (Spitzer. S, Trans.). (pp. xxi–lii). Columbia University Press. http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.7312/badi15774.6