The development of creativity becomes a significant issue in the era of automation and information technologies. Linguistic creativity can increase the inventiveness and resourcefulness of the representatives of philological professions. We consider humour as a tool that helps to develop personal creativity. Verbal play as a form of humour is considered as one of the ways to improve linguistic creativity. The 3L-course of linguistic creativity is aimed at developing lingual, localisation & translation, and literary creativity. The 3L-course includes 3R-module designed to improve the ability to recognise, reproduce in another language, and recreate pun-based linguistic inventions and innovations. The 3R-module tasks are based: on the similarity of activity, the similarity of the modality of the stimulus material, the number of languages, and the types of language units. The 3R-module involves the 3T-stage model (transparency, training, and testing).
The 3S-test based on sense-finding, solution-finding, and scope-finding tasks revealed that the combination of 3R-module with the 3T-stage model in the scope of the 3L-course would help improve the quantity and quality of ideas and avoid stalemates when creating linguistic inventions.
The 3L-course can be useful for philological students, writers, translators, journalists, copywriters, native and foreign language teachers because it helps improve personal creativity and productivity.
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