Humorous phenomena in dramatic discourse
Abstract The paramount goal of this paper is to tease out a number of universal communicative phenomena which carry humour appreciated by the recipient of
Philosophy’s attitude towards the comic. A re-evaluation
Abstract Contrary to common opinion, philosophy’s relations with the comic are profound and complex, yet the nature and significance of this relationship is surprisingly under
Abstract After more than forty years of existence, the field of humour research is flourishing. It seems that now more than ever the time is
Humorous poetry in late medieval Scots and Latin (c. 1450–1550): An overview
Abstract The humorous poetry of late medieval Scotland is diverse in genre, including among its forms the drinking song, farce, parody, burlesque, elrich fantasy, and
Book review: Davies, C. (2011). Jokes and Targets. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 314 pp.
Abstract A book review of Christie Davies’s book „Jokes and targets” Bloomington: Indiana University Press. 314 pp. References Interview with C. Davies. In Indiana University