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This volume is a collection of texts written in honour of Professor Elżbieta Tabakowska. It contains articles and essays by her students, colleagues and friends within the academia in Europe and the United States, among them scholars of such renown in the field of cognitive linguistics as Ronald W. Langacker, Günter Radden and Margaret H. Freeman. „Cognition in language” forms one part of the volume: it also includes articles concerning language and culture, literature in translation, translation teaching, etc. The diversity of themes and approaches reflects the wealth of Professor Tabakowska’s interests, as well as the scope of her influence as a scholar and – not less importantly – as a mentor and friend.
Professor Elżbieta Tabakowska is Director of the UNESCO Chair for Translation Studies and Intercultural Communication at the Jagiellonian University, Kraków. She is the author of over a hundred scholarly articles and, among others, the following books: Cognitive Linguistics and Poetics of Translation (Tübingen 1993), Język i obrazowanie. Wprowadzenie do językoznawstwa kognitywnego [Language and Imagery: An Introduction to Cognitive Linguistics] (Kraków 1995) and O przekładzie na przykładzie. Rozprawa tłumacza z Europą Normana Daviesa (Kraków 1998).
Table of Contents
Preface . 9
Introduction. A Friend of Knowledge and Wisdom 19
Professor Elżbieta Tabakowska’s publications to date . . . 28
Professor Elżbieta Tabakowska’s MA and PhD students . 41
Norman Davies, A Flourishing Partnership of Two Decades . . .45
Enrique Cay Krebs Dollerup, Elka and Me . . . 53
Mary Snell-Hornby, In and after the Days of Solidarność. Reminiscences of the 1980s and 1990s with Elżbieta Tabakowska . . . 59
Katarzyna Jakubiak, The Guardian of Cooperation . .62
Part I. Language and Cognition
Angeliki Athanasiadou, Scalarity and Subjectivity:
The Case of absolutely . . . 69
Barbara Bacz, S-/Z-Prefi xation and Aspect in Polish .85
Elżbieta Górska, The Reference-point Ability and the English Noun Part and its Cognates . . . 107
Maria Jodłowiec, Mental Architecture and Relevance . . . 129
Henryk Kardela, Event Structure: A Force Dynamics / Absolute Construal Account . . . . 150
Dorota Korwin-Piotrowska, Text Coherence from the Cognitive Perspective – an Analytic Attempt . . . 168
Ronald W. Langacker, The Present Tense in English Adverbial Clauses . 179
Andrzej Pawelec, Metaphor and the Unconscious 210
Günter Radden, Interaction of Modality with Negation . . . …224
Aleksander Szwedek, Polysemy and Metaphorization .255
Part II. Translation and Literature
Teresa Bałuk-Ulewiczowa, Cross-Cultural Communication
Breakdown: A 16th-Century Case Study . .. . 275
Ewa Data-Bukowska, The World from Afar – the World in Close-up. Some Thoughts on Manifestations of Viewing in Translations of Swedish Texts into Polish . 290
Aleksander Gomola, Translation as a Different Conceptualization. A linguistic analysis of a poem by Czesław Miłosz Wykład V and its English translation . 312
Magda Heydel, It Does Inspire Our Admiration! A Translationof Juliusz Słowacki’s Balladyna into English . 324
Riitta Jääskeläinen, Translation Strategies – What Are They? . 343
Katarzyna Jakubiak, Performing Son and Blues: Langston Hughes’s and Ben Frederic Carruthers’s Translation of Motivos de son 362
Agnieszka Pokojska, W.H. Auden’s The Sea and the Mirror in the Polish Translation . 387
Tadeusz Sławek, The Europe-of-Europe, or the Warranty of Translation . 400
Elżbieta Wójcik-Leese, A Shared Understanding of the Topic of Conversation? Translating Krystyna Miłobędzka’s Terseness . .422
Teresa Bela, Building the Barricade: Anna Swir’s Lyrical Epos of the Warsaw Uprising of 1944 . . . 432
Ewa Chruściel, Metonymic Compression and Mirror Blends in Lyn Hejinian’s My Life. The Rhythm of Cognition . . . 447
Margaret H. Freeman, Poetic Iconicity . . . .472
Agata Hołobut, Intermedial Iconicity in E.E. Cummings’ Picasso . . .502
Christina Ljungberg, Cognitive Approaches to Literary Interpretation . .519
Part III. Language and Culture
Jerzy Bartmiński, East-West: on the Symmetry of Senses and Cultural Differentiation of Profiles . 543
Elżbieta Chrzanowska-Kluczewska, On Interplanetary Travels Between Friendly and Unfriendly Worlds 555
Hans-Jürgen Diller, Measuring the Growth of Semantic Fields: the Case of the English Emotion Lexicon 574
Halina Kurek, Conceptual Categories of the Rural Linguistic-Cultural Area . 597
Janina Ozga, Krzysztof Ozga, Phonetic Correctness: between Tyranny and Courtesy . . 611
Mirja Saari, The Rise of Finnish in the 19th Century .622
Peter Franklin, The Intercultural Interaction of British and German Managers: A Comparative Analysis of Self-report Data . 636
Andrzej Kurtyka, On Technical Writing in Translation Training 660
Notes on Contributors .669
Acknowledgments 679
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