Seria Język a komunikacja

W dzisiejszej Europie, zjednoczonej choć wstrząsanej konfliktami, porozumiewanie się ponad podziałami politycznymi, kulturowymi, geograficznymi i językowymi staje się potrzebą bodaj czy nie najważniejszą. Wydawnictwo Tertium od lat wychodzi naprzeciw temu wyzwaniu. Nasza seria wydawnicza „Język i komunikacja”, wydawana od roku 2000, zainicjowała forum dyskusyjne na temat komunikacji językowej ponad podziałami na filologie, w szerokim środowisku, początkowo ogólnopolskim, ale obecnie i międzynarodowym. Publikujemy rzetelne przemyślenia i ciekawe badania na temat języka i komunikacji językowej z solidnym naukowym zapleczem, ale i o przystępnej formie, tak aby przysłowiowy przeciętny inteligent mógł bez trudu i nie bez przyjemności z nimi się zapoznać. Seria obejmuje ksiązki autorskie, jak i monografie wieloautorskie.

On The Basis of Runic Inscriptions of North-Central Jutland

Oprawa: miękka

Wydawnictwo: Tertium

Miejsce i rok wyd.: Kraków 2006


Spis treści tomu:

List of abbreviations
List of illustrations, tables and plates

Research objectives

1. Language, culture and discourse in the investigative paradigms of anthropological linguistics

1.1. Paradigms of antropological linguistics
1.1.1 The first – language-centered – paradigm
1.1.2 The second-language-culture-and-mind-centred-paradigm as a mirror of systematic changes in the human mind and behaviour the attentional processing of information of neuropsychology of coded behaviour the consilient nature of language and culture
1.1.3.The third-discourse centered paradigm
1.2.Discourse Studies: selected aspects
1.2.2.Speech and discourse communities
1.2.3.Cultural and linguistic transmission of knowledge Language death mechanisms
1.2.4.Speech and discourse habits as an adaptation to social and natural environments as a socio-cultural index of socio-cultural changes
1.2.5.Writing as a power-relation establishing process

2. On the diversification of Scandinavians against the background of other Germanic speech communities – from the perspective of contact linguistics

2.1.Contact linguistics: an overview of current research from the uniformitarian perspective
2.1.1.On the creation of pidgins, creoles and mixed languages general overview of pidgin creation mechanisms on the basis of the contemporary Neomelanesian Pidgin English
2.1.2.Linguistic ecology of early Scandinavian contacts invasions and the British Isles modes of writing in the British Isles aspects of the Norsification of English – the language of the invaded
2.2.Viking Age Scandinavia as a defined cultural entity: a synopsis

3.Runic inscriptions within the scope of linguistics and the theory of writing

3.1.Writing systems as a way of textual determining of cultural behaviour
3.1.1.On different approaches to the concept of written language
3.1.2.Factors determining the status of literacy
3.1.3.Forerunners of writing Eskimo picture writing of Nunivak, Alaska
3.1.4. Graphemes, scripts, and writing systems
3.2.On the development of runic scripts
3.2.1.Theories on the origin of runes
3.2.2.Basic runic periods and runic script types „Common Germanic” 24-rune-futhark period phonology of Old Runic inscriptions: a summary Anglo-Saxon futhorc second runic period third period of runic writing remarks
3.2.3.North-Central Jutland rune-stones and their inscriptions: the presentation of the material
3.2.4.An attempt at a multidimensional typology of the North-Central Jutland runic texts inscriptions inscriptions
3.2.5.An analysis of North-Central Jutland runic texts against the background of selected delineating civilisations models

4.General conclusions

4.1.Linguistic and cultural significance of formulaic runic inscriptions:an outline proposal
4.2.Notes for further research: a philosophical approach toward culture and cognition
4.2.1.Religious discourse as a way of upholding forms of written communication religious/magical thinking
4.2.2.Rituals and textuality implementations as ways of influencing cultural changes
4.2.4.Early Scandinavian literature as a form of quasi-religious thinking
4.2.5.Research „paleometaphors” and cognitive realities devised by runic graphemes
4.3.Final remarks


Literary sources

Online sources


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