This study explores the issue of humour stereotyping between ex-Yugoslav nations, their veridicality and possible explanations. Three research questions were put forward relating to humour stereotyping, as well as the differences in humour production, use and appreciation between the countries. The survey data were collected on a sample of university students from four ex-Yugoslav countries (N = 611). The results revealed strong negative humour stereotyping toward Croats and Slovenians and positive stereotyping toward Bosnians. However, only about 0–4 % of the variance in humour production, use and appreciation, depending on the sub-scales of the Multidimensional Sense of Humor Scale, could be attributed to the group (country) membership, thus indicating low correspondence between the stereotypes and reality. The results concerning the stereotypes were interpreted by evoking the discourse of Balkanism, as well as humour-style differences in popular culture between the countries.
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