Półrocznik Językoznawczy Tertium/ Tertium Linguistic Journal

Vol 3, No 2 (2018)

Meaning, Discourse, Text and Translation. An Overview and Recapitulation of Linguistic Concepts

Paulina Marta Kłos-Czerwińska


An article deals with the issue of language and its main concepts of meaning, discourse, text and translation. It is assumed as the recapitulation of these main concepts and is intended to present these terms as necessary for the understanding of modern branches of linguistics and philosophy, such as e.g. transhumanism. The problem of language is treated here as an integral part of the discussion on conscious being and as a precondition of an understanding of its nature. The author finds, in contrast to some modern currents in linguistics, that the issue of language still constitutes the irreplaceable element of the consideration of the nature of the individual and its relation with the outside world


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