The study looks at how the fear of the Other, rampant in contemporary societies, is countered linguistically in selected English-language discourses, including both sides of the Atlantic, Australia, and New Zealand. The overarching conceptual category of THE OTHER is internally heterogeneous and involves linguistic portrayals through such terms as other, different, foreigner, stranger, or alien. The kinds of discourses that will be analysed, i.e. those aimed to reduce the level of the fear of or the hostility towards Others, contextualize these terms in ways markedly different from those in the fear-augmenting discourses. Typical devices used for the purpose are collocations and lexical patterns within the text.
The data come from British, American, Canadian, Australian, and New Zealand press and public discourse, with some insight also obtained from Ryszard Kapuściński’s book The Other. However, because the book is a series of lectures translated from Polish into English, a brief excursus into the analogous portrayal in the Polish original is also performed. On the theoretical side, the analysis will hopefully provide a hint as to whether and in what ways the heterogeneity of THE OTHER as a concept can be captured in terms of differential cultural models.
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